“That kid is out of control.” “Where are that boy’s parents?” “I would beat that kid if she was mine.” These are some of the comments many hear, or even admit to saying, when they don’t know the whole story behind a child’s behavior. Children with ADHD, Dyslexia or some other form of learning or attention issue, suffer from something even worse than the disorder they’re afflicted with. They're completely misunderstood. These children don’t need to be coddled, beaten or treated unfairly. They just need to be heard. That’s the main message we wanted the Understood.org campaign to convey. There are 2 sides to every story. Make sure you hear both before you judge. After the multi-faceted campaign and online video ran, unique impressions skyrocketed. More importantly, the number of parents with questions about symptoms and seeking diagnosis, doubled in the six months following launch.